Wednesday, July 21, 2010

An Uninvited Guest

“MOM!!!  Come quick!!!” Thankfully, after parenting for over 26 years, I can usually tell if I’m being called for a blood and broken bones situation, a this-is-so-hilarious-you-gotta-see-it event or “my ride is here and I can’t find my flip-flops” emergency.  Though I heard a twinge of panic in the kids' voices, I was pretty sure the situation wasn’t overly urgent. Entering the den, I was met by two gasping children motioning towards the bookshelves.  Dangling between the shelves and the shades was the largest spider I’ve ever seen in my house.  (I admit that at that moment I, too, gasped and took a few steps away from the large web.)
However, I summoned all of my “mom courage” and walked right up to it to get a good look.  (“MOM!  Don’t!  It might be dangerous!”)  We grabbed a couple of cameras and took some portrait shots of this unusual spider.  Unfortunately I caught part of the web on my sleeve, which resulted in the spider’s journey to my arm.
Screaming, running and mayhem ensued.
“Open the front door!” ”I can’t, it’s locked!” "Unlock it!” "I can’t.  I’m afraid!"
Finally, with Mr. Spider gently enveloped in a paper towel, I unlocked the door and set him on the front steps.  With camera in hand, I captured some better shots of our visitor.
This spider is a Marbled Orb Weaver spider. (see Wiki article) Common to fields, forests and gardens, this species is known for it’s unique web.  It’s neither poisonous or damaging.  Like most spiders, he should be our friend since he rids houses and yards of unwanted pests.  If you're not too timid, this link has a lot of pictures of this pretty little fellow and his kin.


Anonymous said...

I think I have a baby one of these living among my eggplant plants! We had a similar one in Aze, too, that scared me so much that I ended up killing it before learning how nice it is. It had spun a beautiful orb preventing me from getting to my water pump, a daily neccesity to access in Aze. Our new little spider won't have the same fate.

Did you name her?


Anonymous said...

Good evening

Awesome blog, great write up, thank you!

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