Friday, August 12, 2011

North Shore Rocks (figuratively and literally!)

In our recent trek to the North Shore of Minnesota, I spent a lot of time looking at rocks.  I love the sharp cliffs along the shore line formed by lava flows.  I love the smooth, rounded rocks on the beaches.  I don't know what it is about the alternating rocky, sharp edges of the cliffs and the cobblestone beaches.  As I handle the smaller rocks, I think about the various shapes and sizes.  The larger rocks out in the water are just larger versions of these small ones.

If you're interested in rocks and beaches at the North Shore, here's a great link the explored rock hunting.

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It's OK to be Sad

It's OK to be sad.  It's OK to feel lonely. It's OK to be angry.  The Lord gives no injunctions against these emotions; he only ...